Tag: business

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10 Types of Unconscious Biases in the Workplace And Their Origins
Related Podcast Episode: Balancing Work & FatherhoodUnconscious biases are deeply ingrained...
Overcoming Obstacles: Addressing Racial Bias in the Workplace
Related Podcast Episode: Community, Conservatism and Self-Determination with Shaun Bailey In the...
Strategies for Supporting Black Entrepreneurs in the Tech Sector
Black entrepreneurs in the tech sector have made significant contributions to innovation,...
Are Black People & Other Marginalised Communities Used As Marketing Tools?
Companies use diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) as a marketing strategy in various ways to...
Representation and Black Children’s Storybooks
While there has been progress in recent years, the representation of Black children in storybooks...
Diversity Is Good For The Bottom Line: I Am Not Your Token
When it comes to workplace diversity and inclusion, we need to cut the ‘Well I have a daughter and I want her see herself on our Board someday’ or the ‘I want to raise my son to see women at the same table that he is’ clichés. Typically these foreshadow an emotional segment with ‘insert platitudes about general compassion’ and some cherry picked anecdotes for a feel-good, pat on the back. This often comes from a good place, and in some cases the first time people have truly considered diversity is when it was going to hit their loved ones. But what is there, above a moral duty for equality, to actually makes a candidate feel like their diversity actually benefits the bottom line… because it does.
Black Success: Justin Onuekwusi Talks Finance & Family
Black Business: Award Winning Fund Manager Justin Onuekwusi talks about getting into the Finance industry and the importance of diversity.
Justin is an award winning Fund Manager in the investment and savings industry for Legal and General Investment Management. He is also the co-founder of the cutting edge #TalkAboutBlack which aims encourage greater representation of black leaders in Financial Services. By normalising conversations about ethnicity and race, #TalkaboutBlack has become one of the strongest movements in professional services in the UK.
Say No: An Essential Tool for Black Business Women
In the workplace, saying yes is often seen as the golden rule for getting more opportunities, gaining exposure and climbing the corporate ladder. This is especially true for Black Women, who are often afraid to miss out on opportunities that are already limited for them compared to their white counterparts. Because of this many of us end up being completely ‘no’ averse, developing constant FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), afraid of having our “can do attitude” badge removed from us, or other potential consequences.
Why You Should Incorporate Your Story in Your Business
Sharing your whys is crucial for your business storytelling. It is not just about taking pictures of your everyday life or bombarding people with your traumas, issues and life events. Though aspects of this can, of course, play a part. It’s about taking the time to know your story, own your story and eventually share it

- Lifestyle & Culture
- Business & Politics
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Nurturing Mental Wellness: Prioritizing Self-Care in the Black Community
Related Podcast Episode: Mental Health In the Black Community In the journey towards holistic...
Advocating for Change: Taking Action Against Social Injustices
Related Podcast Episode: Racial Awareness And Justice In Suburban Schools In a world filled with...
FREE inclusive parenting programme to help you start the new year!
At The People, we understand that raising children is a rewarding yet challenging journey. We...